Dormition 2023 - 08/15/23

Pentecost 2023 - 06/04/23

Parish Feast 2023 - 05/21/23

Holy Week 2023 - 04/10/23

Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday - 2023 - 04/08/23

St Mary of Egypt - 2023 - 04/02/23

Feast of the Annunciation - 2023 - 03/25/23

Sunday of Orthodoxy - 2023 - 03/05/23

Holy Week 2022 - 06/25/22

Palm Sunday 2022 - 06/25/22

Advent 2021 - 12/12/21

Grupo Consuelo 2021 - 12/10/21

Dormition of the Theotokos 2021 - 08/15/21

Father John's Farewell Party - 05/16/21

Baptism of Elizabeth Jurewicz - 05/10/21

Holy Week 2021 - 04/30/21

Great Lent 2021 - 04/25/21

Churching of Irina Jurewicz - 04/03/21

Diaconal Ordination of Subdeacon Andrew Bender - 01/24/21

Chrismation of Mark Philip - 12/19/20

Baptism of Elizabeth Arbogast - 12/19/20

Chrismation of Varton Sarkissian - 12/12/20

Temple Feast 2020 - 08/16/20

Newly Illumined Benedict - 08/02/20

Sunday of Orthodoxy 2020 - 03/08/20

Clean Week 2020 - 03/01/20

Baptism of Vera Malovance - 02/08/20

Theophany 2020 - 01/05/20

Baker/Andruchow Wedding - 12/29/19

Chrismation of Avah Scholten - 12/21/19

St. Nicholas Tree Decorating - 12/08/19

Little Village Thanksgiving Meal - 11/27/19

Father John Parker Visits CTS - 10/13/19

Baptism of Liliana Kratzer - 10/12/19

Christ the Savior Partners with Padres Angeles - 08/17/19

VCS Group from St. George in Cicero Visit Christ the Savior - 08/16/19

VCS 2019 - 08/06/19

Toroney Lampert Wedding - 06/23/19

Parish Photo 2019 - 06/01/19

Pascha 2019 Photo Gallery - 04/28/19

Photo gallery from Pascha 2019

Holy Week 2019 - 04/21/19

Service Schedule

Holy Week 2019 Gallery - 04/21/19

Photo gallery from the services of Holy Week 2019

Dr David Ford, Professor of Church History, St. Tikhon's Seminary to speak in Chicago. - 03/18/19

2019 Lent - Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/17/19

Little Village Christmas Party - 12/14/18

Photos from the prayer service and dinner

Little Village Thanksgiving Dinner - 11/26/18

Photos from the annual dinner in Little Village

Window restoration making good progress - 11/25/18

New windows installed on the west side.

Window restoration continues - 10/25/18

With the success of the restoration of the north stained glass window, the parish approved at our annual meeting in September to move forward with the restoration of the west window as well.

2018-10-21 Loredana & Ben's Marriage - 10/21/18

Temple Feast Vigil - 08/15/18

Kenneth Clevenger was tonsured a reader at the vigil for our temple feast of the holy mandylion.

Reception of the Arbogast Family - 07/21/18

The Arbogast Family was received into Christ's Holy Church at our parish on July, 21, 2018. May God grant them many years!

Baptism of Soledad Bocanegra - 06/30/18

Photos from the baptism

2018 Parish Feast - 05/20/18

Photos from the service and celebration

2018 Holy Week - Photos - 04/05/18

2018 Lent - Palm Sunday Vespers - 03/31/18

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

2018 Lent - Sunday of Orthodoxy - 02/25/18

Korrine & Jonathan's Wedding Photos - 01/07/18

Photos from the Marriage Sacrament of Korrine & Jonathan York

Photos from the Nativity Services - 12/22/17

Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

Photos from Little Village Christmas Party - 12/15/17

On Friday, December 15, we hosted a Panikhida at our parish for those who have lost their lives to violence. Many friends from the Little Village Neighborhood who have lost love ones joined us for prayer and fellowship.  Following the memorial service, everyone gathered in the parish residence for a meal and to share gifts with the families that CTS parishioners sponsored. We are grateful for the continued relationships that are fostered with these families through the ongoing concern and generosity of our families.

Thanksgiving Dinner in Little Village - 11/26/17

See photos and read the thank-you letter for this year's dinner.

First Day of Sunday School - 09/24/17


2017 St Iakovos Retreat - 08/26/17


2017-06-18: End of school year fun - 06/18/17

Photos from the water-filled afternoon for the Sunday School students.

Holy Week (2017) - 04/13/17

Photos from the services of Holy Week

Palm Sunday 2017 - 04/09/17


Ordination to the priesthood of Fr John Kennerk - 01/01/17


Decorating the Christmas tree (photos) - 12/04/16

Following Sunday School, children at the parish decorated our Christmas tree and received St. Nicholas gifts from Matushka Stefanie.

Ladies Reading Group starting Thursday, Oct 6 at 11:30 AM - 10/03/16

Beginning Thursday, October 6, 11:30 AM, Fr. John will facilitate a Reading Group for ladies only. This will be an informal group for ladies interested in learning more about our Orthodox Christian Faith and having fellowship with others from church.

Visit of Metropolitan Hilarion, Archbishop Peter, and Bishop John, from ROCOR - 08/31/16

Announcement and photos

Aug 24, 2016—St Iakovos Retreat (Photos) - 08/24/16

2016 Vacation Church School - 08/11/16

June 12, 2016—Fr. John's Elevation to Archpriest - 06/12/16

On our parish feast, Fr. John Baker was elevated to Archpriest by His Grace Bishop Paul (gallery).

Irina & John's Wedding - 05/08/16

Holy Week Photos (2016) - 05/01/16

Parish work day photos - 04/23/16

Photos from the Baptism of the Sokolov triplets - 04/09/16

Listen to the Canon of Saint Andrew Live on AFR - 03/13/16

CTS church bell featured on WBEZ - 01/29/16

Our church bell was featured in a WBEZ story on bells in Chicago still rung manually, not automatically or by playing a recording.

Jan 10—Ordination of Fr. Dcn. John and Tonsuring of Rdr. Andrew - 01/10/16

CTS was honored to host the ordination of Rowley John Kennerk by His Grace Bishop Paul; who also tonsured Andrew Bender as a reader.

Dec 11—Grupo Consuelo's Christmas party - 12/11/15

For the 2nd year in a row, Christ the Savior supported Grupo Consuelo's Christmas party.

Dec 6—St Nicholas Day Photos - 12/06/15

Nov 25—Photos from the Little Village Dinner - 11/25/15

This year Christ the Savior supported two vital ministries in Little Village, a community situated on the southwest side of Chicago.

Dec 5—Workshop on reader, choir preparation - 11/20/15

A workshop on reader and choir preparation will be offered at Christ the Savior Church from 2:00 until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 5, 2015. All interested Chicago-area faithful are cordially invited to attend.

Evening Study Group "On the Incarnation" (Wednesdays, Nov 11 to Dec 16) - 11/01/15

In anticipation of our Lord's Nativity in the flesh, please consider attending the discussion group led by Father Deacon Theophan Warren.

Seeking a Choir Director - 11/01/15

Christ the Savior is a young and exciting parish home in the heart of the City of Chicago. We strive for a serious liturgical schedule and continual growth through receiving new converts and welcoming people who move here from all over. Our singing tradition is mostly four-part Russian-style, but all in the English language. Our weekly Sunday Liturgy, and certain other (mainly Clean Week and Holy Week) services are broadcast live on Ancient Faith Radio.

The ideal candidate for Choir Director would be a degreed music professional with experience directing the All-night Vigil, Divine Liturgy, and Presanctified Liturgy. He or she would be proficient at preparing the services, giving the pitch, reading, singing, running rehearsals, and conducting the choir. He or she would be able to commit to 4 services a week. (However, services are all scheduled outside normal business hours. In other words, the individual would still be free to hold down additional full-time employment outside the church.)

If you are interested, even if you only meet some of these qualifications, please contact Father John Baker at (312) 202-0423 or fjbchicago@gmail.com to discuss stipend (depends on availability and ability) and other particulars.

Guardian Angel Day School visits CTS - 10/23/15

On Friday, October 23rd, the Feast of St James, Father John welcomed a group of 4th and 5th grade children along with their chaperons from Guardian Angel Day School in Des Plaines. The children were visiting Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral to sing the responses during the Liturgy of St James. As Father John explained some of the iconography in the temple, the children treated us by chanting hymns to St Demitrios and the Bodiless Powers of Heaven.

Bishop Mstislav of Tikhvin, Russia Visits CTS - 10/16/15

On Friday, October 16, we were blessed to be visited by His Grace, Bishop Mstislav of Tikhvin Russia. His Grace was greeted by Father John and several of the faithful from the parish and welcomed by His Grace, Bishop Paul to the Diocesan Chancery. Accompanying Bishop Mstislav was Archpriest Sergi Garklavs, Dean Emeritus of Holy Trinity Cathedral who now resides in Tikhvin.

Sunday after Holy Cross - 09/20/15

Several faithful members received gestures of recognition from His Grace Bishop Paul.

CTS Summer 2015 Retreat - 08/22/15

See photos from the Retreat weekend at St. Iakovos, WI.

Aug 11, 2015—Vacation Church School - 08/11/15

See photos from the activity-filled week.

Miracle-working icon of St Anna to visit our parish - 04/15/14

On Friday, May 2 through Sunday, May 4 we will be blessed to have in our presence the miracle working icon of St Anna, the Mother of Theotokos. The icon currently resides at the Monastery of St Tikhon of Zadonsk in South Canaan Pennsylvania. Father Sergius, Abbott of St. Tikhon's Monastery will be bringing the icon for veneration and presenting a series of talks over the weekend.

AFR to broadcast live from Christ the Savior - 03/14/14

We have announced a partnership with Ancient Faith Radio to broadcast live Divine Liturgies from our parish. The first step is the installation of the equipment and it will be starting soon. We will keep you posted as this project develops. Read more at the AFR blog.

Family Game Night in Little Village - 03/13/14

On Friday evening, March 21, parishioners and friends of Christ the Savior gathered with families and youth from the Little Village neighborhood to share a meal and an evening of fun games. The parishioners and families got to know one another over chili and chips and veggies, and were able to laugh together while playing games such as Minute to Win It and Uno. The parish hopes to continue events of this kind, and further build relationships with the Little Village community.

Volunteers Needed for the Family Game Night in Little Village - 03/07/14

The Family Game Night that we are hosting for families in Little Village is fast approaching (yay!), and we are looking for additional volunteers. There are opportunities to be involved prior to the event, so if you can't make it that night, never fear--we could still use your help.

Family Game Night, March 21 (Friday evening)
At the Rauner YMCA: 2700 S. Western, Chicago IL 60623

Take a look at the task lists, and email Meg to let her know what you can help with. 

Lenten Suggestions - 03/05/14

Check our expanded list of ideas and suggestions for Lent.

Services for Nativity and Theophany - 12/21/13

Monday, December 23

6:30pm Royal Hours of the Nativity of Christ

Tuesday, December 24

8:30am Vesperal Liturgy
4:00pm Vigil for the Feast of the Nativity (75 min.)

Wednesday, December 25

8:30am Divine Liturgy followed by the singing of Christmas Carols

Sunday, January 5

9:30am Divine Liturgy followed by Great Vespers and Blessing of Water

6:30pm Vigil


Monday, January 6

6:30am Divine Liturgy

6:30pm Great Vespers w/ Lytia

Little Village dinner featured on the Midwest Diocese website - 11/27/13

News of the upcoming family night on Friday, March 21, 2014, and of the one from last year are featured on the Midwest Diocese site:

November 27, 2013 — the eve of Thanksgiving Day — Father John Baker and a group of faithful from Christ the Savior Parish, Chicago IL, gathered at the parish hall of Saint Agnes Roman Catholic Church in the Little Village neighborhood to serve a Thanksgiving day dinner to 120 residents of the neighborhood, many of whom had lost loved ones to the gang violence that plagues the area.

Project Mexico Report - 08/28/13

From July 31 to August 6, Fr. John and a group from our parish participated in Project Mexico.  Please see the article written by Fr John's daughter, Scout  posted at 


Churching of Christy Panoff - 08/24/13

On Sunday, August 18 Christy Panoff was welcomed back with prayers for her and her new daughter Elizabeth Panoff. Congratulations to Tom and Christy!

Taqueria Fundraiser for Project Mexico - 04/15/13

A Taqueria Fundraiser for Project Mexico and St. Innocent Orphanage, to support Christ the Savior's homebuilding mission trip to Project Mexico this summer, will be held at CtS on May 18th, 12:00pm - 5:00pm.  

Christ the Savior will be transforming the residence courtyard into an authentic Mexican taqueria!  Come enjoy carne asada and spicy chicken tacos.  $10 minimum suggested donation.  Pleae RSVP to karenhilberg@msn.com

Christ the Savior Blood Drive - 04/15/13

Sunday, May 12th, 11am - 2pm

Make plans to save some lives Sunday, May 12th!
Click HERE to schedule your appointment to donate blood at:
Christ The Savior Orthodox Church
11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Please be sure to EAT a good meal and DRINK plenty of water prior to your donation.
Photo ID required.
Questions regarding donation eligibility?  Click HERE or call 1-800-7-TO-GIVE.

Urban Mission 2013 - June 14-16 - 03/13/13

Join St. Raphael of Brooklyn Orthodox Church in Detroit, MI, for a unique opportunity to participate in missions in an urban setting.  Please visit the this website for more details or download this brochure.

5th Annual Christ the Savior Parish Men's Outing - 08/13/12

The 5th Annual Christ the Savior Parish Men's Outing will be held Monday, September 10th at US Cellular Field as we gather to watch the Chicago White Sox take on the Detroit Tigers.  Seats are located directly behind home plate, 10th row in the upper bowl of the stadium. Suggested donation for the tickets is $40. All proceeds benefit the church school program.  Tickets are still available.  Invite a friend and enjoy fellowship while rooting on the Division Leaders and helping raise funds for the coming church school year. Please email Father John if you are interested in attending.

2012 Vacation Church School - 07/23/12

Christ the Savior will host the 2012 Vacation Church School August 7-10 for children ages 2-12.  This year's theme is Behold the Light: The Twelve Great Feasts, the Life and Ministry of Christ.  Click here to download the registration form.

Blood Drive - 01/11/12

Christ the Savior Church will host a blood drive on February 4, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Please click here for more information and instructions.

Braille Liturgical Texts - 12/05/11

A link has been added on the "Links" page to liturgical texts in Braille.

Work Day 9/10/11 - 09/05/11

There will be a workday at the church and diocesan center this Saturday, September 10, from 1-4 pm.  Vespers will follow at 4:30 pm.

New Blogs of Importance - 06/16/11

Two new blogs have been added to the links section.

Lost Innocents - Practical helps for miscarriage from an Orthodox Christian perspective

Orthodox Marathon Runners - Orthodox runner Robert Kliner invites all Orthodox runners preparing to run in the Chicago Marathon on Sunday, October 9, 201, to participate in fellowship and carb-loading the day before at Christ the Savior Church. 

Lenten Schedule Now Available - 02/28/11

The liturgical calendar for Great Lent is now available for viewing under the "Service Schedule" tab to the left.  Select either March or April, and click "view month."

Kursk-Root Icon to Visit Christ the Savior - 11/24/10

CHICAGO, IL [MW Diocese Communications] -- With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop Peter, Administrator of the Diocese of Chicago of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, the 700-year-old Wonderworking Kursk-Root Icon of the Mother of God will visit Christ the Savior Church, Chicago, on the evening of December 1, 2010.

Kursk-Root Icon to visit Chicago's Christ the Savior Church 
December 1Christ the Savior Church is located next to the Midwest Diocesan Center at 927-933 North LaSalle Boulevard.

His Beatitude, Metropolitan Jonah will preside at the celebration of the Akathistos Hymn before the icon at 6:35 p.m.

Tradition holds that a hunter discovered the Kursk-Root Icon lying face down by the root of a tree outside the town of Kursk Russia on September 8, 1259. When the hunter retrieved the icon, at which point he discovered that it was similar in style to the Novgorod Icon of the Mother of God "Of the Sign," a spring of pure water gushed forth. Deciding not to leave the icon in the forest, the hunter placed it in a small, ancient chapel.

The icon was transferred to the city of Ryl'a and placed in a new church erected in honor of the Nativity of the Theotokos. Soon, however, the icon disappeared, miraculously returning to the place in which it first appeared. The people of Ryl'a made several attempts to return the icon to their city, but it repeatedly returned to its former place. Everyone then realized that the Theotokos preferred the place of the icon's appearance.

The special help granted by the Theotokos through this icon is associated with many important events in Russian history. The icon was brought to America at the time of the Russian Revolution, where it continued to be the source of numerous healing miracles throughout the last century.

Priest John Baker, rector of Christ the Savior Church, and the entire parish community invite the faithful of the greater Chicago area to join them in the celebration of the Akathistos Hymn, to venerate the icon, and to be inspired and blessed by its truly miraculous presence.

For those driving into Chicago, unmetered curbside parking becomes available on LaSalle Blvd. at 6:30 p.m. [Prior to that time, the far-right lane is open to traffic]. Additional parking is available for $5.00 after validation at the nearby garage at Dave & Buster's, 1030 North Clark Street.

Upcoming: Chicago Marathon on Sunday 10/10 - 09/16/10

The Chicago Marathon will be held on Sunday morning, October, 10.  As is our tradition at Christ the Savior, we will cheer on the runners and hand them bottles of water as they pass by the church. 

The wheelchairs will start at 7:20, and the runners at 7:30.  LaSalle St. and Wells will be closed for the event, so parking will be found best at Dave & Busters.  More information will be posted as it becomes available.

An Afternoon of Conversation with Fr. Joseph Huneycutt October 23, 2010 - 09/16/10

An Afternoon of Conversation

with Fr. Joseph Huneycutt

October 23, 2010

Come join us at Christ the Savior Orthodox Church, Saturday October 23, 2010 at 12:00 p.m. for an afternoon of conversation about the Orthodox Faith. Our featured speaker is Fr. Joseph Huneycutt.


Fr. Joseph is best known for his popular web-log, Orthodixie.  His newest book, published by Conciliar Press, is entitled, We Came, We Saw, We Converted, presenting a humorous look at the pluses, minuses, joys, pitfalls, and struggles of perpetual conversion within an Orthodox Christian worldview. Fr. Huneycutt is the new pastor of St. Joseph Orthodox Church in Houston, Texas.


Fr. Joseph has featured podcasts on Ancient Faith Radio at: http://ancientfaith.com/


A light lunch will be served at noon, followed by a tour of the church and our conversation led by Fr. Joseph.  All are invited to join us for Vespers at the end of the program at 4:30. Christ the Savior Church is completing an Iconography project, come and see the beautiful artwork.

New iconographic work to begin - 07/15/10

Fr. Theodore Jurewicz returns July, 15, to begin further work on fresco icons throughout the nave and altar areas of the church.  He will be working at Christ the Savior along with his son for about a month.  If you would like to donate toward the iconography, please contact Fr. John Baker at the telephone number listed at the side of the web page under the menu buttons.

Deborah's Place - 11/24/09

Christ the Savior is signed up to provide volunteers to serve dinner
at Deborah's Place on Tuesday, December 8th and Monday, December 14th. If you would like to volunteer for either of those dates, please contact Meg Haak.

Nativity Retreat - 11/24/09

Fr. John Wehling of St. Matthew Orthodox Church in Greenbay, WI, will be leading a pre-Nativity retreat on December 4-5 exploring the theme, Cave and Cross: The Hymns of the Nativity in the Light of Holy Week. 

December 4: 6:30 pm Vespers followed by refreshments and the 1st session

December 5: Divine Liturgy at 8:00 am followed by a continental breakfast and the second session. Lunch break at noon followed by a third session.

Workday - 09/24/09

Thanks to everyone who participated with our Parish Workday on Saturday, September 20th.
Our next Parish Work Day will be Saturday, December 12th at 2:00pm. Mark your calendars!

Patronal Feast - 07/07/09

Christ the Savior Orthodox Church
Patronal Feast

Greek Islands Restaurant
200 S Halsted, Chicago, IL
Complimentary Valet Parking

Sunday August 16, 2009 at 12pm

Menu: served family style
Appetiser: Saganaki (flaming cheese), Gyros, Skordalia (potatoe spread)

Salad: Athenenian Salad

Main Course: Roasted Lamb, Mousaka, Chicken Riganati, Pastichio (pasta dish)

Side: Potatoes

Dessert & Coffee: Baklava, Lemon Custard, Walnut Cake
Soft drinks & Wine/bar drinks are not included
Tickets: $35 adult, $15 kids 
We will also have a Silent Auction/Raffle
Please contact Alina Gansca if you have any questions.

Dinner at Deborah's Place - 05/08/09

1530 N Sedgewick - upcoming dates: May 6, 11 & 29.  Please contact Alina Gansca, email alinamarinca@hotmail.com; cell 847-445-5270, to volunteer to serve dinner on any of these dates.  More helpers would be greatly appreciated. 

Children's Outing - 05/08/09

On May 10, 2009 after Liturgy, Silviu Gansca is organizing a children's outing at Redefined Fitness, located at 1211 Washington Ave, Wilmette.  Please contact Silviu if your children will attend.

Prosphora Workshop - 05/08/09

Matushka Stephanie will teach a Prosphora Baking Workshop on May 9, 2009 at 3 p.m. at the residence.  Please contact Julie Baron if you will attend.

Library Ministry - 05/08/09

 If anyone has any books they would like to donate, please see Fr. John or Gabriel Sanchez. If there are duplicate copies, CTS will have a book sale.

Parish Tithing Reform Policy - 05/07/09

A special meeting will be held regarding the parish tithing policy on May 31, 2009 after Liturgy.  Everyone is strongly encouraged to attend. (Please note, this is a change from the previously scheduled May 3, 2009 meeting.)

Holy Week Schedule - 04/11/09

4/8 Palm Sunday

9:10 am Hours
9:30 am Divine Liturgy
6:30 pm Bridegroom Matins at Holy Trinity

4/9 Great and Holy Monday

9:00 am Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
6:30 pm Bridegroom Matins

4/10 Great and Holy Tuesday

9:00 am Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
6:30 pm Bridegroom Matins

4/11 Great and Holy Wednesday

9:00 am Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
6:30 pm Bridegroom Matins

4/12 Great and Holy Thursday

11:00 pm Vesperal Liturgy
6:30 pm Matins with Passion Gospels

4/13 Great and Holy Friday

8:00 am Royal Hours
3:00 pm Vespers with placeing of the Plashchanitsa
6:30 pm Lamentations with Procession

4/14 Great and Holy Saturday

10:00 am Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil
11:30 pm The Holy Pascha of Our Lord Jesus Christ

4/15 The Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

1:00 pm Agape Vespers followed by egg hunt for the children

New Parking Option - 04/05/09

Parishioners of Christ the Savior Church now have the option to park at a discounted rate at the Dave and Busters Parking Garage located on the 1000 block of Clark st. The parking garage is located just north east of the church on Clark between Oak and Maple directly across from Perillo BMW.  Tickets will be sold in groups of 10 for $50 and each ticket is good for three hours of parking. Please see the greeter or Tom Panoff if you are interested.

St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir - 04/04/09

Please join us as we welcome back to our parish

St. Tikhon’s Seminary Mission Choir

singing the responses for Great Vespers

When: 6:30 pm, Saturday, May 2nd

Where: Christ the Savior Orthodox Church, 927 N. LaSalle Blvd.


St. Tikhon's Mission Choir is a choral group from St. Tikhon's Seminary/Monastery dedicated to God through the Church's primary evangelistic and teaching tool: Her Liturgical worship; striving to bring life, invigoration, and inspiration to the parishes which are visited throughout the year. Not only do parishioners interact and see Seminarians who are attempting to follow the calling of God (and are often outgoing and even funny), but also, this interaction puts a real human face with an institution that has been providing the Church in America with Her priests for almost 70 years. The Mission Choir raises funds for the work of St. Tikhon's Seminary which primarily relies on donations from the Church and Her faithful to continue its work for the Church in America.

Prosphora Workshop Cancelled - 03/20/09

The prosphora workshop has been canceled until further notice.

Website Updates - 03/02/09

A new section has been created on the website where parishioners of Christ the Savior may find important information.

Currently, parishioners may find current schedules for readers, greeters, fellowship hosts, and temple cleaners, Notes from Fr. John, and a summary of the minutes from the latest parish council meeting.

Workdays for 2009

Please note these dates (or at least one of them!) on your calendar and help keep your church beautiful. Workdays in 2009 are the following Saturdays, all starting a 2:00 p.m.: April 4th, June 6th, August 8th, October 17th, and December 19th.

Updated Ministry Schedules - 02/18/09

There is a current schedule of coffee hour hosts, greeters, readers, and temple cleaners available under the 'Ministry Schedule' page located on the sidebar.  If you need to make any changes to the schedule, please contact the webmaster.

New RSS feeds! - 02/18/09

For those of you who use an RSS reader, you can now get news and announcements from Christ the Savior via RSS. 

The feed is http://xcthesavior.org/news

Check back for further information and instructions on adding an RSS feed.  If you have questions, please ask the webmaster.

Workshop on Domestic Violence - 02/11/09

Saturday, February 28 at Holy Resurrection Church in Palatine - 10:00 am until 3:00 pm

The workshop will provide guidance on responding to, preventing, and intervening in domestic violence.  The presenters are Fr. Deacon Timothy and Matushka Beatrice Jones.  Materials to be used were developed and prepared by the Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women's Network specifically for the faith-based workshops like this.  The cost is $10 with lunch provided.  Please register by February 14.  The registration form was sent out in CTS emailings. See Fr. John if you need a copy.

Dinner at Deborah's Place - 02/11/09

Upcoming Dates:  2/12, 2/23, 3/12, 3/17

Please contact Alina Gansca to volunteer  to serve dinner on any of these dates.  More helpers would be greatly appreciated - just try it once and make a difference in someone's day.

Women's Group Outing - 02/11/09

A second outing of our newly formed women's group is planned for February 19, 7:00 pm, at

4557 N Ravenswood
Chicago, IL 60640

Please let Toni Dorosh know if you can attend.

New Website Launched - 01/16/08

On Wednesday, January 16, 2008, Christ the Savior launched its new website.

Children's Memorial Book & DVD Drive - 01/15/08

Once again, we are collecting new books and DVD's for Children's Memorial Hospital in memory of John Robert Koncel.

360 Degree Virtual Tour

Interview with Fr. John and Alison Ereksona

Oct 28, 2014—In a recent article for the Greek Star, Father John gave thoughts concerning the homosexual Christian within the church.


 If anyone would like to make automatic monthly contributions to CTS from their bank accounts or paychecks, please see David Wilson.

2018 Lent - Palm Sunday Vespers

Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!

Aug 15-16, 2015—Blessing the Completed Iconography of the Bishops Chapel

Photos from this joyous event.

May 23, 2015—Congratulations and Welcome Back, Dn Theophan

Congratulations to Father Deacon Theophan Warren who graduated from St Tikhon's seminary May 2015 with a Masters of Theology. Deacon Theophan will be returning to Chicago and Christ the Savior Church in August. We look forward to having he and his wife as part of our parish family. May God grant Deacon Theophan and Matushka Miriam  many fruitful years of service to Christ's Holy Church!

April 12, 2015—Holy Week and Pascha (Photos)

March 1, 2015—Sunday of Orthodoxy

Indoor procession with icons and blessing of the new parish council

Feb 2, 2015—The warmest place under the snow

December 21, 2014—Nativity Decorations

Our Sunday school students perfromed a short but touching Nativity program in the beautifully decorated church after Liturgy .

December 7, 2014—Christmas Tree Decoration

The students from our Sunday school did a beautiful job decorating the tree

December 11, 2014—Ladies Group Cookie Exchange

The cookie exchange is now a cherished Christmas tradition for the Ladies Group at CTS.  It is very special and we appreciate all the yummy cookies everyone worked so hard on.

November 26, 2014—Little Village Dinner

Faithful from Christ the Savior provided a meal for over 160 people in the Little Village neighborhood. This is the second year that we were blessed to be involved in this ministry building bridges between our two communities. Thank you to all who helped and especially to Fr Tom and the faithful from St Agnes Church in the Little Village neighborhood.

November 1, 2014—Bishop Matthias served the vigil

Bishop Matthias, retired Bishop of Chicago and the Midwest returned to our parish on Saturday. We had a record for attendance that evening and are grateful to God to have had Bishop Matthias with us for the evening.

Oct 28, 2014—Interview with Fr. John and Alison Ereksona

In a recent article for the Greek Star, Father John gave thoughts concerning the homosexual Christian within the church.

October 12, 2014—We are on AFR

The inaugural live stream of our liturgy started on October 12th. You can tune in to AF Live on Sundays at 9:30am Central.

October 12, 2014—Chicago Marathon

CTS Parishioners cheered on the atlethes of the 2014 Chicago Marathon, while distributing cold water and warm wishes.

Sep 27, 2014—Join us for the 2nd Annual Missions Fundraiser

We'll transform the church courtyard into a Mexican Taqueria to beneft the Hogar Rafael Ayau Orphanage in Guatemala.

Oct 1, 2014—Photos from the authors evening

Angela Doll Carlson, author of Nearly Orthodox: On Being a Modern Woman in an Ancient
Tradition, and Paul Kuritz, author of Theater and Film: A Christian Perspective.

Sep 10, 2014—Iconography Continues

Master Iconographer, Father Theodore Jurewicz returned to Christ the Savior Parish on September 2nd to continue the iconography in the temple. The ongoing project was originally initiated by Archbishop Job with the first icon being written in November 2008.

Fr Theodore is currently working on the icon of Our Lord's descent into Hades. Funds for this particular icon were donated by generous stewards throughout the diocese in memory of Archbishop Job. It is possible that the entire church could be completed by Pascha 2015.

August 13, 2014—Vacation Church School

Children ages 2-11 participated in Vacation Church School at Christ the Savior Church, Chicago. The theme was "Traveling the Ark of Salvation."

July 25, 2014—Little Village Peace Walk

July 12, 2014—Chrismation of Genevieve

July 05, 2014—Baptism of Victoria Orloff

June 01, 2014—Parish Patron Feast Photos

April 20, 2014—Holy Pascha

Upcoming Calendar

The Divine Liturgy

The Divine Liturgy is broadcast from Christ the Savior every Sunday on Ancient Faith Radio Talk, starting at 9:30am Central Time.

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Christ the Savior Orthodox Church | 927 N. LaSalle Dr. Chicago, Illinois 60610 

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