August 13, 2014—Vacation Church School

Children ages 2-11 participated in Vacation Church School (photo gallery) at Christ the Savior Church, Chicago. The theme was "Traveling the Ark of Salvation", and the children learned about the Feasts of the Mother of God as well as playing games and making crafts.

As in past years, funds and supplies were raised for orphanages in Romania, Guatemala and Mexico City. This year, to continue fostering relationships between our children and the children of Little Village, VCS participants donated school supplies to children in need who live in the Little Village neighborhood. The children also practiced hymns of the Divine Liturgy throughout the week and sung the responses during Liturgy for the Feast of the Dormition.

Participants and volunteers  included members of Christ the Savior, St George Cathedral, Holy Trinity Cathedral and All Saints Antiochian Church.

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